In this video we’ll go over all of the basics needed to introduce you to the Futures Markets. We’ll cover a wide range of topics from terminology, to position sizing and also to brokerages. Just to name a few.
Key points from this lesson.
MES offers a much safer and more flexible option to trading S&P 500 contracts than ES
(04:48) ES/MES tick & point values
(07:02) CL tick & point values
(07:41) U.S Trading sessions for the Futures Markets
ES RTH: 9:30am – 4:15pm Mon-Fri
CL RTH: 9am – 2:30pm Mon-Fri
(10:21) U.S Trading Holidays / Economic Events
(10:26) Trading Brokerages
(14:51) Candlestick Basics
(15:39) Signal Candles. You’ll hear me say this term a lot throughout this course. Signal candles give us confirmation for an entry.
Try and take trades that offer at least a 2:1 Risk reward ratio